Those last days CNT members suffered two attacks :
In Lille (North of France) the CNT block was attacked by fascist (Identitaries Youth, a nazi group more radical than the National Front) last thursday 15th of may, during the strike and demonstration of the civil service. Later in the same demonstration, activists of CNT were attacked by the Police because they protected Paperleeses workers in danger of arrest.
The same day in Paris, 5 members of the CNT were injured by 25 activits of the LDJ (League of the jews defense, a radical sionist group)with arms, (casquers,truncheon). They were participating to a public meeting in solidarity with Palestinians refugees organized by the Palestine group of CNT and others collectives. The attack happened when they were leaving at 11.30 pm in the street close to the place of the meeting. One comrade of CNT was seriously injured and stayed the night in the hospital (noose and rib brockened).
Against fascism, capitalism and sionism : the struggle continue !!!