The «Confédération nationale du travail-France» (CNT-F), stands firmly side by side with its Guinean comrades as they face yet another bloody repression. "Half a century of civil and military dictatorship is enough!”: these are the words you can hear from the Guinean workers’ mouths today. After the regimes of Sékou Touré (1958-1984) and of Lansana Conté (1984-2008), it is now the junta led for the last nine months by Capt. Moussa Dadis Camara that is suffocating the Guinean People’s thirst for freedom with its butchery and brutality.
Yet, for more than one month at the beginning of 2007, Guinean workers and the population stood up and answered the call from the “Inter Centrale Syndicale” (CNTG, USTG, ONLSG, UDTG) to claim their rights to freedom and dignity. The cost was more than 137 deaths and thousands of wounded.
Still today, the Guinean People are demanding nothing less than their due. We give them our full support in their struggle to put an end to the reign of this neo-colonialist African dictatorship that flouts the workers’ rights, treats the population with contempt, and blocks youth in a dead end.
We invite all trades unions and individuals everywhere to circulate the enclosed declaration of the Guinean social movement and send us messages of support at africa; we will forward them to our CNTG comrades.
An outrage to one is an outrage to all!
International syndicalist solidarity! Long life to revolutionary trade unionism!
The International Secretary of the CNT-F