The French Workers’ Union CNT Joins BDS Campaign
Through the intermediary of its international Secretary, the National Work Confederation (Confédération Nationale du Travail or CNT), a French anti-capitalist internationalist union involved in social class struggles, has joined the campaign labelled “Boycott, Disinvestmant and Sanction against the State of Israel”, an international campaign launched by more than 170 grassroot Palestinian organizations, including our partnering independent Palestinian independent unions. Our union (...)
CNT solidarity campaign with the morrocan’s miners of OCP !
850 miners working for OCP (a state-owned phosphate extraction company) have been on strike since the beginning of September in the Khouribga region. Their action comes after they were fired en masse for refusing to accept new working conditions in the company. OCP effectively intends to renege on its social benefit agreements (permanent employment contracts, wages, social security system). These are the same benefits that the miners fought tooth and nail for in the past, often with great (...)
CNT France : The paperlesses workers at ISS fight for their papers
More than 2000 paperlesses workers for the cleaning firm have gone on strike; occupying 30 sites in the Ile-de-France region. they are doing so with the support of unions and other groups who have joined with them to denounce the exploitation of undocumented workers and the arbitrary way in which their cases are heard by local prefectures. After having occupied the Cité des sciences in Paris on Sunday 18th October the workers then took over the headquarters of the company in Paris’ 12th (...)
Against military violence: CNT supports the struggle of the Guinean People.
The «Confédération nationale du travail-France» (CNT-F), stands firmly side by side with its Guinean comrades as they face yet another bloody repression. "Half a century of civil and military dictatorship is enough!”: these are the words you can hear from the Guinean workers’ mouths today. After the regimes of Sékou Touré (1958-1984) and of Lansana Conté (1984-2008), it is now the junta led for the last nine months by Capt. Moussa Dadis Camara that is suffocating the Guinean People’s thirst for (...)
Tough times demand a tough response
Defeats seem to govern our times: massive increases in redundancy; the suicides of workers devastated by the management policies of France Telecom and Renault; the expulsion of undocumented residents (sans-papiers) by the police in Calais or by the “security” group of the CGT in Paris; crackdown on unions in Kanaky (USTKE), Nîmes (CNT), Grenoble (CNT), and elsewhere; the firing of Flash-Ball guns, maiming our youth; the reduction of the farmers’ community to despair; the destruction of public (...)
CNT PTT (Post) regains its rights as a union.
The Council of State has ruled against the Post Office. This is a humiliating defeat for the Post office as well as for the ‘majority’ unions. At the end of the 90s the socialist government began the dismantling of the PTT as a public institution (creating France Telecom and the Post Office). The Post Office, using its specific legal circumstances (No longer being an organisation solely employing civil servants nor a private enterprise) invented its own set of rules about the management of (...)
Camp “No border” from 23th to 29th of june in Calais
From 23th to 29th of june in Calais will be held a camp for freedom of movement for all and an end to borders and to all migration controls The Calais No Border camp is a joint venture between French and Belgian activists and migrant support groups and the UK No Borders Network. It aims to highlight the realities of the situation in Calais and Northern France; to build links with the migrant communities; to help build links between migrants support groups ; and lastly, but not least, to (...)
Morocco: International Day of Solidarity with the ANDCM May 16 2009
The Euromagrhebine union coordination ( to which adheres , among others, the CNT-F, independent Algerian unions and the Spanish CGT) has proposed transforming the 16 May 2009 an international day of struggle against unemployment, precariousness and social exclusion, in support of the National Association of Unemployed Graduates in Morocco (ANDCM). On 16 May 1993, Moustafa El Hamzaoui, a militant of the ANDCM, was kidnapped, tortured and murdered in the police station in Khenifra. Since (...)
DAD Poland is firing union workers!
DAD Poland, the company in Poznan, with shares of French capital in it, dismissed four Workers Initiative Union activists, just after a document informing about section foundation had been submitted. Workers Initiative factory section was constituted 14th April, 2009. More than 30, of all the 80 company workers, have joined the Union. Every day the number of members increased. 27th April the paper sent by the Union, informing about the foundation of organization, was received to the (...)
Today’s The current crisis of Capitalism is confronting placing workers in front of with two well-defined options : either keep on being subjected to an authoritarian and inegalitarianin egalitarian economic and social system, or build up resistances in order to impose a fair deal of wealth, and have our rights and freedom respected. The revolutionary syndicalism, anarcho-syndicalism and class struggle syndicalism, which we embody means a clear choice. We refuse to keep on negotiating our (...)
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