At a time when we assist to a European and global destruction of social advantages by deregulation of social welfare attacking workers’ rights through the so-called reforms of labour rights, labour market, by the constant and global social insecurity (privatisation, workers competition^^, extention of new work contracts, augmentation of work with no rights, undocumented workers, unwaged...)
We observe the omnipresence of a project of neoliberalism where rising profits of a few and submitting the greatest number to even more exploitation and poverty all over the world.
Despite this “At the beginning of the 21st Century, there are still –or once again- millions of people on the move all around the globe searching for a living wage and a better life. More and more people are again experiencing that the capitalist promise of wealth and prosperity is nothing but a gaudy facade behind which our lives are increasingly consumed by deteriorating conditions” (in The Struggle for a Better Life Must Be Made Global, I02 Conference in Essen).
Globalisation is nothing new to capitalism. But mobility, aggressivity and the capacity of this system have never been so strong as they are today. Closing profitable factories where workers have acceptable working conditions only to open the same factory somewhere else with lower wages and worse working conditions only to rise benefits for stock holders is unfortunately not surprising these days. What can be done ?
On the other side of it, the working class movement and its organisations seem as little organised in its coordination between countries and its collective retaliation as it was at the creation of the 1st International. They reveal themselves to be incapable of concretely answer and react quickly and globally to the massive assaults of capitalism.
The bureaucratic trade unionist world, social partnership, hand in hand with political interests refuses to oppose these attacks from triomphant capitalism. This brings more and more conflicts with class struggle syndicalism which is not non existant but weak with bleak and disorganised appearances.
Followinig the industrial Conferences of San Francisco in 1999 ( I 99) and Essen in 2002 (I 02), the french CNT takes the initiative to invite all those organisations, groups, networks and activists who participated in the previous Conferences, as well as other interested.
Building international solidarity
This new Conference will take place in Paris on Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th, Monday 30th of april and Tuesday 1st May 2007.
What is the point for Anarcho-syndicalists and Revolutionary Syndicalists and all those for a workers controlled world to meet at an international level ?
In such a Conference, what’s happening ( where and how) shall only be an introduction to debate with concrete examples from the practice and struggle from each of us.
The immediate goal should be : what are we concretely capable of doing together ?
Our ultimate goal and our hope should be starting to rebuild the links and unite workers of different countries, to reappropriate the mean of information, struggle and action through organising international solidarity.
Friday 27th april 2007 : reception of the delegations
Satursday 28th april 2007 :
Morning :
Unions meetings ( expensive life cost, wages, delocalisations, redundancies, privatisation, labour rights, institutions/revolutionary syndicalism, repression, the EU...
Afternoon :
Branch meetings : building, education, postal service, health, cleaning, culture, press, transport, steel industry, land workers,...
Evening : Concert
Sunday 29th april :
Morning : meetings by themes : women’s struggle, antifascism, social ecology, housing, migrations, anti imperialism,...
Afternoon : Synthese of the different meetings
Evening : Great international meeting
Monday 30th april :
Afternoon : Showing of militant movies/ visit of Paris
Tuesday 1st May 2007 :
Afternoon : international demonstration
Evening : Concert