From Friday, April 27th to Tuesday, May 1st 2007, the CNT organised a series of international syndicalist meetings called I07. These meetings followed the syndicalist conferences called I 99 in 1999 in San Francisco and I 02 in 2002, in Essen, Germany. This conference aimed at sharing our experiences, debate and find ways to reinforce our links.
About 250 militants from the five continents came for the occasion. Some comrades from IWA sections were also present but as individuals and not delegates of their organisation. Many French CNT militants went to the capital to attend the meetings.
The debate dealt with syndicalist issues (cooperatives, repression, representativity, UE, precarity and relocation...) as well as social issues (antisexism, campaign against Coca-Cola, migrant workers, antifascism, housing struggle, anti-imperialism and neocolonialism...). Branch meetings (metallurgy, education, construction, postal services, health, culture, archeology...) and meetings devoted to geographical zones (Palestine, Europe, American continent, Africa, Mediterranean zone) also took place.
The meals and the evenings were animated by concerts and libertarian choirs.
The demonstration on May 1st, which bore the hallmark of our internationalist and anticapialist struggle, was a huge success. The red and black procession gathered about 6000 dynamic persons.
The international meeting which took place on April, 30th, was also particularly intense and moving, with the intervention - among others- of Marta from Atenco (Mexico) holding a machete in her hand or that of Raed (Palestine) or our Guinean comrade from the CNTG talking about the victorious general strike against the dictator Lansana Conte which ended up with the death of 100 workers.
During the confederal meeting, the CNT international secretariat and the Italian USI suggested to the other organisations to elaborate an international anticapitalist coordination with a common website (in different languages) as well as a mailing list and a forum.
It was also suggested to start international campaigns concerning the liberty of circulation, the struggle against precarious work (suggested by the Polish CK-LA) or the defense of syndicalist rights (related to the American IWW struggle against Starbucks coffees).
I07 is an important step for our internationalism: it was indeed the first time that so many militants had come from Africa, Oceania or Latin America.
This element is important and illustrates our will not to confine our internationalism to the Western and European world.
What better example of what we want our internationalism to be than the intervention of our SKT comrade from Siberia being translated from Russian into French by a Malian train worker?
The struggle continues!!! Long live the international solidarity!!!
International Secretary CNT