
  • Poland : action against Greenkett company

    Poland : action against Greenkett company

    On 9th of november 2007 in Steszew, near Poznan, Workers’ Initiative organized a picket in front of the company’s building. The reason for the action was an illegal dismission of one of the sindicate’s members Lukasz Sybilak. Among the 30 protesters there were IW’s activists together with the workers fromH. Cegielski Poznan company. In march 2007, trying to break up the sindicate, which was demanding better working conditions and higher salaries, Greenkett illegally fired two other members of (...)

  • Red November in France ?

    Red November in France ?

    Since the national strikes on October 18th 2007 the wider situation seems to be towards radicalisation. The transport unions have realised that the Sarkozy goernment has no intention whatsoever of negotiating over the ’special regimes’ for pensions. They are now making unified calls (which was not the case for the 18th of October) for a strike to begin on November 14th with the possibility of renewing the strike. Tomorrow the transport system will be almost entirely closed at a national and (...)

  • La Modelo, or the nightmare of detention in Colombia.

    La Modelo, or the nightmare of detention in Colombia.

    Friday August 4th, 2007, 10:30am: two members of the Political Prisoners’ Solidarity committee (CSPP) are waiting for us outside of La Modelo prison. Thanks to them the doors of this hellish prison were opened to us. LA Modelo is one of Bogota’s five prisons, slong with Picota, Buen Pastor, la Distrital and UPJ. You could almost believe that the Colombian state respects the dignity of its prisoners when you read the slogans that the authorities have painted on the walls, such as: "Su dignidad (...)

  • Social protection, public services, salaries... The boses have enough to (...)

    Social protection, public services, salaries... The boses have enough to pay for it !

    Constant attacks on the social security and pensions systems by the government are bringing into question the very principles of solidarity and universality which form the basis of the welfare state in France. Today, under the pretext of attacking unfair’privileges’, the government is attacking rail-workers pensions, tomorrow, they’ll be after the rest of us, public and private. For a start from 2009 you’ll need 41 years of contributions for a pension and 42 years from 2013. If you want to (...)

  • France : Solidarity with CNT post the 23th of october

    France : Solidarity with CNT post the 23th of october

    After 20 years of existence, the Federation of the CNT PTT (postal services workers union) is now forbidden at La Poste (Postal services). This is the consequence of an agreement concluded in january 27th 2006 between La Poste management and bosses and Unions which have representativity ( CFDT, FO, CFTC, UNSA and CGT). The CGT and SUD, because they refused to vote against this agreement, are allies of La Poste management. Funny enough this agreement was signed "to facilitate and develop (...)

  • Poland : bus strike in Kielce

    Poland : bus strike in Kielce

    After 17 days the bus drivers in the South Polish city of Kielce have surprisingly won their strike. The sale of the communal bus company MPK planned by the city’s mayor is stopped and MPK is given to the workers instead. The strike had been preceded by months of confrontation. One day before the end of the strike, one of MPK’s operation yards had been brutally evicted by private security guards and then recaptured by the striking bus drivers on the next morning. MPK is employing 630 people, (...)

  • CNT in strike in Penauille

    CNT in strike in Penauille

    Since the thursday 19 of september 2007, the workers of the cleaning sector entreprise Penauille - Derichebourg at the Roissy Airport, are in strike. The strike, organised by CNT section, protest against the new foreman, very known by the workers for her autoritarism. You can send mails of protest to the director of Penauille - Derichebourg in Roissy : fatima.amedjar derichebourg.com ( and in copy to the International secretary of the CNT-f : international cnt-f.org) In solidarity (...)

  • International newsletter of french CNT - Number 1/June 2007

    International newsletter of french CNT - Number 1/June 2007

    INTERNATIONAL NEWSLETTER OF FRENCH CNT Number 1 : June 2007 EDITO Comrades, The french CNT is glad to present its newsletter for international contacts. We will send you as often as possible this CNT-Info which will bring you informations about most of the activities of our organisation along with social and political news from France. Since workers know no borders and that our internationalism must ignore borders it seemed important to create means of communication and (...)

  • No God, no Caesar, no Tribune...The future is ours!

    No God, no Caesar, no Tribune...The future is ours!

    The result of the presidential election will inevitably affect our living and working conditions as well as our struggles. The canditate for the Right party finally won, including many of the Extreme Right’s nauseating ideas in his discourse and programme. The themes and the results of this election confirm that the French society and political life have drifted to the right. In this situation, the Left is totally unable to suggest a alternative, be it political, social or economical. This (...)

  • i07 : Consolidate international solidarity

    i07 : Consolidate international solidarity

    From Friday, April 27th to Tuesday, May 1st 2007, the CNT organised a series of international syndicalist meetings called I07. These meetings followed the syndicalist conferences called I 99 in 1999 in San Francisco and I 02 in 2002, in Essen, Germany. This conference aimed at sharing our experiences, debate and find ways to reinforce our links. DEBATES, CONCERTS, MEETINGS AND DEMONSTRATIONS About 250 militants from the five continents came for the occasion. Some comrades from IWA (...)
